Happy 2016

A happy new year to everyone! I've had a thoroughly chaotic (but fun) few days off, and now back to reality with some exciting things planned (keep checking back in the coming months to find out more...).

Among all the lovely messages from family, friends and clients was this text, which sums up precisely why printed media is so much better and more personal than looking at photographs on a screen. You'll still be able to enjoy a wedding album or print in a year, in 5 years or in 50 years; I don't think you'll be able to say the same about a digital image.

Kris's parents are here and guess what we've been going through. The wedding album... Thanks again for pushing us to get it. We wouldn't have it otherwise!

So, make 2016 the year you print your images. The bigger the better, but even a 6x4" looks and feels better than your iPhone (or iPad, or computer)

An Islington (and Smithfield) wedding

Merry Christmas...